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Important alien and potential native invasive insect pests of key fruit trees in Sub-Saharan Africa: advances in sustainable pre- and post-harvest management approaches
Hot Water Disinfestation Treatment Does Not Affect Physical and Biochemical Properties of Export Quality Mango Fruit [Mangifera indica L.]
Shepard Ndlela, Francis Obala, Nelson L. Mwando, Abdullah M. Mkiga, Abdelmutalab G. A. Azrag and Samira A. Mohamed Agriculture 12(5) 570 (2022)
Hot Water Treatment for Post-Harvest Disinfestation of Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) and Its Effect on cv. Tommy Atkins Mango
Nelson L. Mwando, Shepard Ndlela, Rainer Meyhöfer, Sevgan Subramanian and Samira A. Mohamed Insects 12(12) 1070 (2021)
Radio frequency heating as a disinfestation method against Corcyra cephalonica and its effect on properties of milled rice