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Searching for More Effective Food Baits for Tephritid Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae): Performance of Newly Developed Vial-Lures Relative to Torula Yeast Borax

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Niche partitioning via host plants and altitude among fruit flies following the invasion of Bactrocera dorsalis

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Thermal effects on the development of Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae) and model validation

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Bionomics of Bactrocera Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan; Exploring Performance of Various Trap Types and Their Characteristics

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Host plant ranges of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Madagascar

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Bulletin of Entomological Research 112 (1) 1 (2022)

Temperature-based phenology model to predict the development, survival, and reproduction of the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis

Dongmo K. Michel A., Komi K.M. Fiaboe, Sévilor Kekeunou, Samuel N. Nanga, Apollin F. Kuate, Henri E.Z. Tonnang, Désiré Gnanvossou and Rachid Hanna
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Population dynamics and distribution of exotic and native frugivorous insects of citrus in Nsukka, Nigeria

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Identification fruit fly species associated with watermelon plants (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) in South of Sulawesi, Indonesia

S Sulaeha, A H Bahtiar and M Melina
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Efficiency of Food-Based Attractants for Monitoring Tephritid Fruit Flies Diversity and Abundance in Mango Systems Across Three West African Agro-Ecological Zones

Abiola I Agnontchémè, Komi K M Fiaboe, Sunday Ekesi, et al.
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Diversity of parasitoids associated with fruit flies on cultivated and wild plants in southern Togo

Mondjonnesso Gomina, Jean-François Vayssières, Boris Dodji Kasseney, Isabelle Adolé Glitho and Komina Amevoin
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Fruit fly identification, population dynamics and fruit damage during fruiting seasons of sweet oranges in Rusitu Valley, Zimbabwe

Stephen T. Musasa, Arnold B. Mashingaidze, Robert Musundire, Ana A. R. M. Aguiar, Jorge Vieira and Cristina P. Vieira
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Species composition and abundance of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in subtropical fruit orchards in the Mbombela Local Municipality, South Africa

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Fruits 74 (1) 18 (2019)

Fruit Preference, Parasitism, and Offspring Fitness of Fopius arisanus (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Exposed to Bactrocera dorsalis' (Diptera: Tephritidae) Infested Fruit Species

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Host Susceptibility and Pest Status of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) Attacking Cucurbits in Two Agroecological Zones of Cameroon, Central Africa

D.G. Mokam, C. Djiéto-Lordon, C-F. Bilong Bilong and J-P. Lumaret
African Entomology 26 (2) 317 (2018)

Host use of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in South Africa

C. D. Theron, A. Manrakhan and C. W. Weldon
Journal of Applied Entomology 141 (10) 810 (2017)

Diversity and seasonal abundance of tephritid fruit flies in three agro‐ecosystems in Benin, West Africa

D. Gnanvossou, R. Hanna, G. Goergen, D. Salifu, C. M. Tanga, S. A. Mohamed and S. Ekesi
Journal of Applied Entomology 141 (10) 798 (2017)

Efficacy of trapping systems for monitoring of Afrotropical fruit flies

A. Manrakhan, J.‐H. Daneel, R. Beck, M. Virgilio, K. Meganck and M. De Meyer
Journal of Applied Entomology 141 (10) 825 (2017)

Invasion by Bactrocera dorsalis and niche partitioning among tephritid species in Comoros

I. Mze Hassani, L.H. Raveloson-Ravaomanarivo, H. Delatte, et al.
Bulletin of Entomological Research 106 (6) 749 (2016)

The potential distribution of Bactrocera dorsalis: considering phenology and irrigation patterns

M. De Villiers, V. Hattingh, D.J. Kriticos, et al.
Bulletin of Entomological Research 106 (1) 19 (2016)

Species Composition, Distribution, and Seasonal Abundance of Liriomyza Leafminers (Diptera: Agromyzidae) Under Different Vegetable Production Systems and Agroecological Zones in Kenya

C. N. Foba, D. Salifu, Z. O. Lagat, et al.
Environmental Entomology (2015)

Demographic parameters of the two main fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) species attacking mango in Central Tanzania

J. K. Salum, M. W. Mwatawala, P. M. Kusolwa and M. D. Meyer
Journal of Applied Entomology 138 (6) 441 (2014)

Species Composition of Fruit Flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Feral Guavas (Psidium guajavaLinnaeus) and Marula (Sclerocarya birrea(A.Richard) Hochstetter) in a Subsistence Savanna Landscape: Implications for Their Control

C.N. Magagula and N. Ntonifor
African Entomology 22 (2) 320 (2014)

Dominance of an invasive fruit fly species, Bactrocera invadens, along an altitudinal transect in Morogoro, Eastern Central Tanzania

K. Geurts, M.W. Mwatawala and M. De Meyer
Bulletin of Entomological Research 104 (3) 288 (2014)

Field evaluation of the relative attractiveness of enriched ginger root oil (EGO)lure and trimedlure for African Ceratitis species (Diptera: Tephritidae)

M. Mwatawala, M. Virgilio, S. Quilici, M. Dominic and M. De Meyer
Journal of Applied Entomology 137 (5) 392 (2013)

Species composition of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the Citrus Museum at the Agricultural Research Centre (ARC), Kade, Ghana

Caroline Ngichop Foba, Kwame Afreh-Nuamah, Maxwell Kelvin Billah and Daniel Obeng-Ofori
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 32 (1) 12 (2012)

Indigenous and Invasive Fruit Fly Diversity along an Altitudinal Transect in Eastern Central Tanzania

Katrien Geurts, Maulid Mwatawala and Marc De Meyer
Journal of Insect Science 12 (12) 1 (2012)

Threats to fruit and vegetable crops: Fruit flies (Tephritidae) - ecology, behaviour, and management

M. Shafiq Ansari, Fazil Hasan and Nadeem Ahmad
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology 15 (3) 169 (2012)

Biodiversité des mouches des fruits (Diptera : Tephritidae) en vergers de manguiers de l’ouest du Burkina Faso : structure et comparaison des communautés de différents sites

Sylvain Nafiba Ouédraogo, Jean-François Vayssières, A. Rémy Dabiré and Corinne Rouland-Lefèvre
Fruits 66 (6) 393 (2011)

Eradication ofBactrocera invadens(Diptera: Tephritidae) in Limpopo Province, South Africa

A. Manrakhan, V. Hattingh, J-H. Venter and M. Holtzhausen
African Entomology 19 (3) 650 (2011)

Preliminary inventory of fruit fly species (Diptera, Tephritidae) in mango orchards in the Niayes region, Senegal, in 2004

Jean-François Vayssières, Henri Vannière, Pap’ Sam Gueye, et al.
Fruits 66 (2) 91 (2011)

Bactrocera invadens (Diptera: Tephritidae), a New Invasive Fruit Fly Pest for the Afrotropical Region: Host Plant Range and Distribution in West and Central Africa

Georg Goergen, Jean-François Vayssières, Désiré Gnanvossou and Maurice Tindo
Environmental Entomology 40 (4) 844 (2011)

Molecular Taxonomic Identification of Dacus and Ceratitis Species From Sub-Saharan Africa Using Mitochondrial Haplotypes

Samia Elfékih and David S. Haymer
Journal of Economic Entomology 103 (5) 1842 (2010)

Spatial and temporal abundance of the solanum fruit fly, Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel), in Morogoro, Tanzania

H.A. Mziray, R.H. Makundi, M. Mwatawala, A. Maerere and M. De Meyer
Crop Protection 29 (5) 454 (2010)

Ecological niche and potential geographic distribution of the invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens (Diptera, Tephritidae)

M. De Meyer, M.P. Robertson, M.W. Mansell, et al.
Bulletin of Entomological Research 100 (1) 35 (2010)

Incidence and host range of the melon fruit fly Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Central Tanzania

M. Mwatawala, A. P. Maerere, R. Makundi and M. De Meyer
International Journal of Pest Management 56 (3) 265 (2010)

Mechanisms contributing to the competitive success of the invasive fruit fly Bactrocera invadens over the indigenous mango fruit fly, Ceratitis cosyra: the role of temperature and resource pre‐emption

Ivan Rwomushana, Sunday Ekesi, Callistus K.P.O. Ogol and Ian Gordon
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 133 (1) 27 (2009)

Abondance des mouches des fruits dans les zones de production fruitières de Côte d’Ivoire : dynamique des populations deBactrocera invadens(Diptera : Tephritidae)

Ossey Robert N’Dépo, N’klo Hala, Kouassi Allou, et al.
Fruits 64 (5) 313 (2009)

An Overview of Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) Invasions and Their Speculated Dominancy over Native Fruit Fly Species in Tanzania

M.W. Mwatawala, M. De Meyer, R.H. Makundi and A.P. Maerere
Journal of Entomology 6 (1) 18 (2009)

Host range and distribution of fruit-infesting pestiferous fruit flies (Diptera, Tephritidae) in selected areas of Central Tanzania

M.W. Mwatawala, M. De Meyer, R.H. Makundi and A.P. Maerere
Bulletin of Entomological Research 99 (6) 629 (2009)

Design of an ecologically-based IPM program for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in Tanzania

Maulid W. Mwatawala, Marc De Meyer, Rhodes H. Makundi and Amon P. Maerere
Fruits 64 (2) 83 (2009)

Correlation of fruit fly (Diptera Tephritidae) infestation of major mango cultivars in Borgou (Benin) with abiotic and biotic factors and assessment of damage

Jean-François Vayssières, Sam Korie and David Ayegnon
Crop Protection 28 (6) 477 (2009)

Mitochondrial DNA Markers in Populations ofDacus punctatifrons(Diptera: Tephritidae)

Samia Elfekih, Mohamed Makni and David S. Haymer
Florida Entomologist 92 (3) 518 (2009)

Inventaire des espèces de mouches des fruits sur goyave dans la région de Yaoundé au Cameroun

François-Xavier Ndzana Abanda, Serge Quilici, Jean-François Vayssières, Lazarre Kouodiekong and Noé Woin
Fruits 63 (1) 19 (2008)

Detection of the solanum fruit fly, Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) in Tanzania (Dipt., Tephritidae)

M. Mwatawala, M. De Meyer, I. M. White, A. Maerere and R. H. Makundi
Journal of Applied Entomology 131 (7) 501 (2007)

Seasonality and host utilization of the invasive fruit fly, Bactrocera invadens (Dipt., Tephritidae) in central Tanzania

M. W. Mwatawala, M. De Meyer, R. H. Makundi and A. P. Maerere
Journal of Applied Entomology 130 (9-10) 530 (2006)