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Cited article:

Using multiple sources of characters to delimit species in the genus Crataegus (Rosaceae): the case of the Crataegus rosei complex

Eva M. Piedra-malagón, Ana Luisa Albarrán-lara, Juan Rull, Daniel Piñero and Victoria Sosa
Systematics and Biodiversity 14 (2) 244 (2016)

Seed and endocarp traits as markers of the biodiversity of regional sources of germplasm of tejocote (Crataegus spp.) from Central and Southern Mexico

Raul Nieto-Ángel, Sergio A. Pérez-Ortega, Carlos A. Núñez-Colín, Juan Martínez-Solís and Fernando González-Andrés
Scientia Horticulturae 121 (2) 166 (2009)