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Effect of Different Seed Sources and Planting Tube Sizes on Germination and Early Growth of Baobab Seedlings in Malawi
Ngagne Ndong, Jarret Mhango, Elisha Ngulube and Anna Źróbek-Sokolnik International Journal of Forestry Research 2024(1) (2024)
A discrete choice experiment to measure the Malawian potential market for Baobab fruit shell briquettes: Evidence from consumer preferences in Mzuzu City
Determinants of postharvest losses along the baobab value chain in Malawi
Foster Geoffrey Cossam, Joseph Kuyamba Dzanja, Bonnet Kamwana, Dennis Etemesi Olumeh and Dagmar Mithöfer Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7 (2023)
Should forest enterprises formalize? Insight from a multi-dimensional characterization of informal baobab enterprises
Synthesis and characterization of low-cost activated carbon prepared from Malawian baobab fruit shells by H3PO4 activation for removal of Cu(II) ions: equilibrium and kinetics studies
The African baobab (Adansonia digitata, Malvaceae): Genetic resources in neglected populations of the Nuba Mountains, Sudan
Martin Wiehle, Kathleen Prinz, Katja Kehlenbeck, Sven Goenster, Seifeldin Ali Mohamed, Reiner Finkeldey, Andreas Buerkert and Jens Gebauer American Journal of Botany 101(9) 1498 (2014)
Der Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.): Wildobst aus Afrika für Deutschland und Europa?!